The Bearded One: 24 Hour Race
With just around two months of prep ahead, I am furiously training to pay someone to allow me the privilege of riding around in circles for 24 hours...solo. I turn 40 in September and since I can’t afford a fancy new sports car, I figure riding the 24 hour race solo is the next best thing. Over the next few months I will be musing about gear, nutrition, and training. To kick it off, the Rocky Mountain Thunderbolt 730 MSL.
First Impression: The Thunderbolt falls in Rocky’s XC lineup but you have to remember that this is a Canadian XC meaning its a trail. Built around a 130mm / 120mm and boost front fork, the Thunderbolt felt very at home on our trails. This bike is a perfect regional bike that loves to climb and doesn’t mind the rough stuff. I found myself taking lines that in the past I avoided out of fear. Simply, the Thunderbolt is going to be pure joy to ride.
More to come.